September Projected Image Competition -  At Water's Edge

Cut Scores

Assigned Class B - 24
Assigned Class A - 23
Assigned Salon - 25

Open Class B - 24
Open Class A - 24
Open Salon - 26

Creative All Classes - 26

Delaware Photographic Society - competition results

September Projected Image : Monday, September 17, 2018

Projected Image Assigned Subject Class B class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 24*    Boulder Mark Leary
1 24*    Soul Soothing Waters-2214 Peg Udinski
1 24*    Lady in the Lagoon Jodi Carlino
1 24*    Morning Snack Theresa Emmett
5 22    Young Skimmer William Pully
6 21    Oystercatcher's Surf Cheri Sine
7 20    Clearwater Sunset Vaughn Lesage
7 20    Water on the Rocks Ronald Ashby
7 20    Behind You! Mike Parry
10 19    Rehoboth Bay Kathryn Gifford
10 19    Testing the Water Isaac Gadsden
12 18    Skywaterearth Dhaldas Donna Haldas
12 18    Open Water Jim Jensen
14 17    Sanibel Driftwood Rose LeSage
14 17    Enjoying-Summer Hermela Teferra
14 17    The Dark Forest Below.. Christine Cheserone

Projected Image Assigned Subject Class A class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 24*    Dramatic View at Waters Edge John McAuley
1 24*    Purple Sandpiper on the Jetty Carl Mease
3 23*    Gonna Lay Down My Heavy Load David Shoemaker
4 22    A Bridge No More Delaware River Laymen Grant
4 22    Silver Lake, Utah Rick Milillo
4 22    Fox Hunt Stream Crossing Patrick Litle
4 22    The Beach Surreal Pete Curcio
8 21    Skelton Coast Rick Anthony
8 21    Dinosaur Rock - JP Bill Guenthner
8 21    Prospecting Patricia Bushey
8 21    Morning Run Christine Bernstein
8 21    Morning Catch Allen Bernstein
13 20    Rocks Reflections Margaret Hennes
13 20    Water Rocks Lorraine Keane
13 20    On the River Wear - England Joyce Pellam

Projected Image Assigned Subject Salon class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 26*    Heron Landing Jerry am Ende
1 26*    Early Fishing Sandhitsu Das
3 25*    Which End is Up? Gary Altoonian
3 25*    Winter Spring Gary Walter
3 25*    Banff Lake Warren Hatch
3 25*    Sunset Seagulls Cindy Wilson-Risko
7 24    Cheetah by Water's Edge Susan Peter
7 24    Boy and Ducks Bob McCaffrey
7 24    Glacial Striations Dee Langevin
10 23    Rhine River Dianne Carnegie
10 23    Grounded Boat Karl Leck
10 23    Lake Clear Reflection Cynthia Lee
10 23    Pardon Me Helen Gerstein
14 22    Trondheim Karen Purdy
14 22    Waiting for Sunset Esther Steffens
14 22    Sand Castle Marvin Gerstein
14 22    Into Le Conte Bay Cynthia McCaffrey
14 22    Snow Geese at Middle Creek Antonio Cortada

Projected Image Open Subject Class B class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 26*    Snowyowl Cheri Sine
2 24*    California Sunset William Pully
2 24*    Mars and the Stars Peg Udinski
2 24*    Tail Feather Peg Udinski
2 24*    Skyward! Mike Parry
2 24*    White Sands Fauna Mike Parry
2 24*    The Feast Cheri Sine
8 23    Chesapeake City Bridge Vaughn Lesage
8 23    Do Not Disturb Kathryn Gifford
8 23    Fish Food Rose LeSage
8 23    This is My Good Side Rose LeSage
8 23    Yellow Sail Mark Leary
8 23    Delaware Memorial Bridge Mark Leary
8 23    Dubrovnik Jim Jensen
15 22    Bombay Vaughn Lesage
15 22    Baddayforroo Dhaldas Donna Haldas
15 22    Cape Henlopen Quartet Kathryn Gifford
15 22    Black-Bellied Plover William Pully
15 22    Factory Falls Jim Jensen
15 22    Emerging Waterfront Isaac Gadsden
21 21    Ducktuckonarock Dhaldas Donna Haldas
21 21    Into the Blue Jodi Carlino
23 20    Sunset After the Storm Isaac Gadsden

Projected Image Open Subject Class A class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 25*    Bald Eagle Going for Catch Margaret Hennes
1 25*    Anemone Margaret Hennes
1 25*    Senior Citizen Rick Anthony
1 25*    Peek-A-Boo View Rick Milillo
1 25*    Hang on Cowboy Lorraine Keane
1 25*    Blue Water Lily Patrick Litle
1 25*    Last Puff Allen Bernstein
8 24*    Polo Match Chase John McAuley
8 24*    What is That John McAuley
8 24*    The Angry Tree Rick Milillo
8 24*    Orange & Red Rose Patrick Litle
8 24*    Atacama Sunset 1 Patricia Bushey
8 24*    Contemplation Carl Mease
8 24*    Northern Red Bishop Carl Mease
8 24*    Playing with Fire Charles Ritchie
16 23    Canadas Snow Birds Laymen Grant
16 23    Temple of the Reclining Boddha Rick Anthony
16 23    Josephine Garden Mother - JP Bill Guenthner
16 23    Ready for the Invaders Joyce Pellam
16 23    Valle De La Luna Patricia Bushey
16 23    Moonlight Pete Curcio
16 23    Iguana Allen Bernstein
16 23    Guardian of the Door David Shoemaker
24 22    Confused Snow Birds Laymen Grant
24 22    Dakota Sunset - JP Bill Guenthner
24 22    Romance Lorraine Keane
24 22    High on the Hill - Bamburgh Castle Joyce Pellam
24 22    Bridge Walk Pete Curcio
24 22    Sunny Flower Charles Ritchie
30 21    Nuremberg Sundial Christine Bernstein
30 21    Snowcap Christine Bernstein
30 21    Gloria in Lucem Mundi David Shoemaker

Projected Image Open Subject Salon class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 27*    I'M the Boss of You Jerry am Ende
1 27*    Heres Looking at You Karl Leck
3 26*    Fox Kit Fight Jerry am Ende
3 26*    Tree for Breakfast Karl Leck
3 26*    Little Bear Bob McCaffrey
3 26*    Hi Mom! Cynthia Lee
3 26*    Sweet Nectar Helen Gerstein
3 26*    On the Attack Dee Langevin
3 26*    Bear Cub Battle Dee Langevin
3 26*    White Sands Warren Hatch
11 25    Artist Ridge Karen Purdy
11 25    Lofoton Karen Purdy
11 25    Old Priest in Lalibela Tom Tauber
11 25    All Tied Up Esther Steffens
11 25    Zabriskie Point Ralph Baron
11 25    Indian Princess Marvin Gerstein
11 25    Leopard Susan Peter
11 25    Grist Mill Water Wheel Gary Walter
11 25    Far Off Denali Bob McCaffrey
11 25    Tupper Lake Storm Cynthia Lee
11 25    Me and My Tuba Helen Gerstein
11 25    Me Too Faces Cindy Wilson-Risko
23 24    Kayaking at Sunset Esther Steffens
23 24    Dunkin Donuts is over There! Gary Altoonian
23 24    Hirzenach,germany Dianne Carnegie
23 24    Marksburg Castle Dianne Carnegie
23 24    Two in a Pond Ralph Baron
23 24    Mom Marvin Gerstein
23 24    Top of the Dune Sandhitsu Das
23 24    Cavell Pond Sandhitsu Das
23 24    Tawny Eagles Susan Peter
23 24    Coldstream Guard Marching Bassoon Gary Walter
23 24    Eagle Portrait Warren Hatch
23 24    Pacific Queen at Work Cynthia McCaffrey
23 24    Tired Out Cindy Wilson-Risko
23 24    Duck at Cambridge 2 Antonio Cortada
23 24    Utah Post Office Antonio Cortada
38 23    Follow Me Tom Tauber
38 23    Pea Tea Sea or Pee Tee See! Gary Altoonian
38 23    Nature's Sculpture Cynthia McCaffrey

Projected Image Creative Creative All Classes class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 27*    Anything for a Glass Marvin Gerstein
1 27*    Goodbye Andy David Shoemaker
3 26*    Aeronautic Release Helen Gerstein
3 26*    Fantasy Gateway Larry Hinson
5 25    Recaculating Laymen Grant
5 25    Marie Rose Karl Leck
5 25    Colour is Where You See It! Mike Parry
8 24    Crazydaisy Dhaldas Donna Haldas
8 24    Iris Center Gary Walter
8 24    Water Lily Twirl Cynthia Lee
8 24    Long Beach Hirise Patrick Litle
8 24    Flavorwave Pete Curcio
8 24    Into Denali Cynthia McCaffrey
8 24    Mental Fixation Cindy Wilson-Risko
15 23    Fire Ghost Mark Leary
15 23    Cook Inlet Tributary Dee Langevin
17 22    It's a Round World Esther Steffens

Comment Only Comment Only All Classes class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
    Golden Sun Flower Laymen Grant
    Nostalgic Barn Rick Milillo
    Beautiful Skyline Gary Altoonian
    African Jacana Carl Mease
    Primordial 2 Karl Leck
    Sunrise in South Carolina Antonio Cortada

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