April Print Image Competition -  Leading Line

Cut Scores

Assigned Class B - 16
Assigned Class A - 17
Assigned Salon - 18

Open Class B - 18
Open Class A - 19
Open Salon - 19

Delaware Photographic Society - competition results

April Print : Monday, April 16, 2018

*indicates selected image

Print Assigned Subject Class B class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 18*    Cathedral of St Andrew Arno Loessner
2 17*    Red or White Mark Leary
2 17*    Rigging Mike Parry
4 16*    Frosted Pine Judith Lesnaw
4 16*    Black Water Arno Loessner
4 16*    Foot Steps Rick Anthony
4 16*    Pink Hotel Rick Anthony
8 15    A Trolls View Mark Leary
9 14    Bridge in Fall Patrick Litle
9 14    Arrow of Time Patrick Litle
9 14    Cynthia at Anc Bill Guenthner
9 14    Thunderbirds Flying High Dane Hill
13 13    Thunderbirds Overhead Dane Hill
13 13    Boone Hall Trees Bill Guenthner
15 12    Hagley (4) Karen Sulecki Edgar
15 12    Seeds of Orange Judith Lesnaw
15 12    Starburst of Texans Mike Parry

Print Assigned Subject Class A class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 20*    Pack Horses at Work Patricia Bushey
1 20*    Carrie Furnace Margaret Hennes
1 20*    Hallgrimur Church, Reykjavík Margaret Hennes
4 19*    Rocky Road Rick Milillo
5 17*    Village Church Patricia Bushey
6 16    A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall Allen Bernstein
6 16    Get Outta Town! Gary Altoonian
8 15    End of the Line Christine Bernstein
8 15    Over the Dam Joyce Pellam
8 15    Fence Art Joyce Pellam
8 15    Farmer's Fences Allen Bernstein
8 15    The Steps to Rockford Laymen Grant
8 15    Fairytale Tower Laymen Grant
8 15    Leading to the Cold Spot! Gary Altoonian
15 14    Trestle Christine Bernstein
15 14    NPR Perspective Rick Milillo
17 13    Nevada Border Pete Curcio
17 13    Water Line Pete Curcio

Print Assigned Subject Salon class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 21*    Spiraling Down Bob McCaffrey
2 20*    The Bow Richard Greenwood
3 19*    Clerestory Richard Greenwood
3 19*    Vietnam Veterans Memorial Cynthia Lee
5 18*    Tree and Stone Wall No 2 Larry Hinson
5 18*    Post Apocalypse Karl Leck
5 18*    Stroll under Ben Frankin Cynthia Lee
8 17    Dock at Sunset Marvin Gerstein
8 17    Imagine Helen Gerstein
8 17    It All Points to Him Tom Lovatt
8 17    Twilight at the Wall Jonathon Massey
8 17    Highway to Philadelphia Tom Lovatt
13 16    Leading Lines Assignment April 2018 Larry Hinson
13 16    The Long Road Cynthia McCaffrey
13 16    Leading Lines No. 1 Don Pivonka
16 15    Poppy Backside Karl Leck
17 14    Mercer's Mill Covered Bridge Gary Walter
17 14    30th Street Station Helen Gerstein
17 14    Rails to Infinity Marvin Gerstein
20 13    Opera House, Manaus Cynthia McCaffrey
20 13    Illuminating Walk Cindy Wilson-Risko
20 13    Pier Review Cindy Wilson-Risko
20 13    Leading Lines No. 2 Don Pivonka
20 13    Reflecting Pool Jonathon Massey
20 13    Looking Down the Champs Bob McCaffrey
26 12    Franklin Field Gary Walter

Print Open Subject Class B class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 22*    Blue Poppy Judith Lesnaw
2 19*    Takeoff William Pully
3 18*    Walking the Dog Mark Leary
3 18*    New Mexico Rick Anthony
3 18*    Hardware Store, New Mexico Mike Parry
6 17    Rime on Green Judith Lesnaw
6 17    Call of the Wild William Pully
8 16    Kalmar Nyckel at Sunrise on New Castle Pier Karen Sulecki Edgar
9 15    Royal Splash Arno Loessner
9 15    Great Bkue Success Arno Loessner
11 14    Lady Lion Rick Anthony
12 13    Crocus in Sun Patrick Litle
12 13    Sunset on Lewes Beach Karen Sulecki Edgar
14 12    Shaffer Hotel Lobby, Mountainair, New Mexico Mike Parry
14 12    Boone Hall Fence Line Bill Guenthner
16 11    Hardware Store NM Mark Leary
16 11    Gnarly! Patrick Litle
16 11    Bakers Bridge Road - North Dakota Bill Guenthner

Print Open Subject Class A class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 21*    Twisted Juniper Margaret Hennes
2 20*    Spring Comes to the Mill Joyce Pellam
2 20*    Brooklyn's Finest Bridge! Gary Altoonian
4 19*    Theology Building Pete Curcio
4 19*    Climbing Up Christine Bernstein
4 19*    Thor's Hammer, Bryce NP Patricia Bushey
4 19*    Peacock Fan Margaret Hennes
4 19*    Lilly White Laymen Grant
9 18    Benjamin Allen Bernstein
9 18    Fred's Body Shop Christine Bernstein
9 18    No Wonder It's So Drafty! Gary Altoonian
9 18    Delicate Landing Rick Milillo
9 18    A Pop of Yellow Laymen Grant
14 17    Mackinac Bridge 2 Patricia Bushey
15 16    Behind Bars Rick Milillo
16 15    Holiday at Houmas House Plantation Joyce Pellam
16 15    Hurricane Hugo and Matthew Larry Iorii
16 15    Line in Pete Curcio
19 14    Tentacles Allen Bernstein

Print Open Subject Salon class

Rank Score Title/Description Entrant
1 22*    Stormy Mountains Karl Leck
2 21*    Street Wise Helen Gerstein
2 21*    The Getaway Warren Hatch
2 21*    Red Fox Looking Shaggy Jerry am Ende
5 20*    Gothic Arches Karl Leck
5 20*    Bisti Egg Factory Tom Tauber
7 19*    In Deep Thought Marvin Gerstein
7 19*    Boat Unloading Mono Tom Tauber
7 19*    April 2018 No. 1 Don Pivonka
10 18    Stick 'em Up Warren Hatch
10 18    Colors of Light Cindy Wilson-Risko
10 18    Carried Away Marvin Gerstein
10 18    Fending Off the Invader Jerry am Ende
10 18    Floral Abstract Tom Lovatt
15 17    Dettifoss Cynthia McCaffrey
15 17    Artistry 'n Maritime Cindy Wilson-Risko
15 17    Retreat Richard Greenwood
15 17    Lesser Yellowlegs Jonathon Massey
15 17    Inverted Wingwalker Cynthia Lee
15 17    Short Cut Helen Gerstein
21 16    Lost in Thought Larry Hinson
21 16    April 2018 No. 2 Don Pivonka
23 14    Two String Fiddle (Erhu) Gary Walter
23 14    Fire ! Raymond Firmani
25 13    The Road North Richard Greenwood
25 13    F22 and Vapor Larry Hinson
25 13    Aviator Raymond Firmani
25 13    Fun...for the Horse Cynthia McCaffrey
29 12    Needs Paint Bob McCaffrey
29 12    Evening Sailboat Races, Longfellow Bridge Gary Walter
29 12    Explorer's Monument Bob McCaffrey
29 12    Italian Water Garden Jonathon Massey
29 12    Umm, Umm Good Tom Lovatt
34 11    Inverted Oracle Cynthia Lee

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